The Basis of Our Faith


We aim to empower individuals to fulfill their God-given potential by finding their place in His house, growing in faith, and living out their purpose.

And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.’ Luke 14:23

Statement of Faith & Doctrine

House of Christ Assembly respects individuals' freedom of conscience where Scripture is silent. Each believer is guided by God, to whom they are ultimately accountable. Our Statement of Beliefs reflects Scripture accurately.


We're honored by our God-given mission to spread the Gospel's hope, healing, and power by applying the Word of God holistically in a nurturing environment. Additionally, we're committed to reaching out to diverse cultural and demographic groups, both domestically and internationally.

Why be a member?

1. It's God's Design for His Church, 2. Increased Impact, 3. A Sense of Belonging, 4. Spiritual Growth, 

5. Ownership in the Local Body, ​6. Accountability

Why House of Christ Assembly?

We’ve been told that our name is a bit strange and confusing. And we get that, but we also chose it very intentionally. The Bible refers to the God’s kingdom, as His house. “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.  Luke 14:23. By these words Christ declares that he would rake together all the offscourings of the world, into his House. 

As a part of that, we are meant to live in a way that is distinct and different, under the kingship of Jesus Christ. At House of Christ Assembly, we want our lives and actions to reflect that truth and to be an answer to the Lord’s Prayer, making ourselves members of Christ household.

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