We are a Bible-centered, kingdom-minded, grace-heavy church for all people. Though we are broken, imperfect people, we have been saved through faith by grace, and that grace compels us to live out our mission to enjoy God, love people and make disciples, from Anoka County to the ends of the earth.
We are more than just a church; we are family of God. At House of Christ Assembly color and stain disappear, so take your seat at the table and be a part of our unlimited ministries opportunity.
Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called, and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.
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We to hope to see the strength of worldwide connectivity that we bring to the work of the church. Our prayer is that the House of Christ Assembly may be a community where you find peace, meaning, and a future with hope.